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Introduction to Apache Airflow

  • Created in 2014 by Maxime Beauchemin at Airbnb
  • A swiss-army knife to build data pipelines using directed acyclic graph (DAG)
    • Describes the dependencies in your job
  • Each node in the DAG is an operator, and Airflow has various operators for each type of job
    • Operator can't get a return value from previous operator/job because they can be executed in a distributed fashion
    • An operator that react to an event is a sensor
      • For example, a S3Senor can check if an object exists in a S3 bucket and perform something
    • Hooks are used to interact with external services and used to build Operators
  • Executor is responsible for how tasks are going to be executed
    • SequentialExecutor - default executor but doesn't support parallel so not ideal for production
    • LocalExecutor - use separate executor for parallel execution but can't scale horizontally and is not fault tolerant
    • CeleryExecutor - most popular executor for production, uses Celery task queue but requires broker (Redis, RabbitMQ, etc)
    • DaskExecutor - Similar to Celery but uses Dask
    • KubernetesExecutor - uses Kubernestes cluster for task execution
  • Using Operator1 >> Operator2 to build the DAG logic